Free Valuations Online

from Valuations, LLC

Valuations LLC

This program (named 'EZValuation") is not for everybody. Businesses in substantial legal entanglement are not suitable for this program.

Is EZValuation for you? Answer the following and see:
  • Has the business been in operation for less than one year?
  • Is the business largely based on intellectual property (such as patents or copyrights) that is not yet producing revenue?
  • Is the business largely based on research and development that is not yet producing revenue?
  • Is the business involved in litigation that could substantially impact the company?
  • Are you looking to value only a portion of the business (i.e., a division, or a product line)?
  • Is real estate bundled within and owned by the business?(note: if real estate is owned by the business owners personally or through a separate entity, do not answer yes to this question. Only answer yes if the real estate is owned by the operating entity.)
  • Are there more then two owners managing the business?

    If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, this program is not recommended for you. Please feel free to call us to learn about your valuation options.

    Otherwise, please continue...

Sell Your Business
Business Brokers focusing on selling companies located in New England with sales in the $1 million to $20 million range.
Merfeld & Schine, Inc.
Established 1991